Skate-O-Phobia Winter Vacations #2

HeyHey guys,

i can't update the Skate-O-Phobia blog until February 1st or 2nd because i go on skiing the next few days.

This time i try to make some photos to put it here on the blog hehe.
Happy skatepunk time, Daniel

P.S.: When i'm back, i will also upload some better and more beautiful "forums" and "" buttons on the top ;-)

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Mute Update "Fading Out"

Canadian melodic punkers Mute announced, that the final premiere for their new video "Fading Out" is next Monday on February 1st!

Debuting next Monday, you will be able to watch it right on their MySpace-site. Mute will also upload a new MySpace layout!

Stay tuned for more informations and the next tour-update regarding their europe-tour in spring!


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RIP Play Attenchon (2002-2009)

Very bad news for the skatepunk scene! One of the fastest bands from South America (Lima, Peru) have posted an article at their MySpace-Site that they split up!

Alessandro (drums), Mario (vocals, guitar), Lizardo (guitar, vocals) and José Luis (bass, vocals) finally formed the band in 2005, after some members changes between 2002 and 2005.

Their first Full Lenght "La Ilusión Que Llevas" was released in 2007 (after a couple of demos), and was at first only released in Peru and Japan via Bells On Records, but soon spread out worldwide because of the high demand level!

Play Attenchon have already shared stage with bands like Propagandhi, 69 Segundos, Have Heart, Shipwreck A.D, No Big Deal, and 7 Dice.

They announced to release a new album in 2010, but i'm sorry to say that this is untenable now ...

Please, we don't feel right now like writing an explanation why the band has disolved. We would appreciate if we wouldn't receive messages asking why and all of that. It's due to personal differences, as friends and as performers, things weren't working anymore between us.

We really thank all the people and all the bands who has supported us in sooo many ways during all these years, you guys know exactly who you are and we couldn't start mentioning one by one because this list would be endless.

Holy f*ck, I can't even believe this is happening but sometimes is better to stop things before they start getting worse and worse. Again, I can't stop thanking all of you guys and bands, you made us who we were during the last years: a fucking great skatepunk band.

Some of us may start new musical projects soon that we will obviously keep you informed as soon as they start. Some will probably take different ways but there's no doubt that skatepunk is still a part of some of us. Expect new bands REALLY soon.

Thanks sooo much, sooo sooo much for everything. This hurts more than I'd ever thought. THANKS.

Loves you like you can't imagine how much,

skatepunk from a third world country.

PD: this is not the end.

I really liked the band and enjoyed their music! According to, I listend to Play Attenchon more than 1000 times in 10 months :-D De Regreso A Casa and their Belvedere cover "The Only Problem With Wishful Thinking" are really great amazing-fantastic-orgasmic songs!

If you also like them, spread their MySpace-links and music. Buy their records, or buy the compilations where they are represented (Coalition, Tribute to 88Fingers Louie, 1-2-3-Skatepunk!, and the Belvedere-Tribute if it will be released anytime in the future)!

Add @ MySpace:

Download Play Attenchon:
Play Attenchon - Demo (2004):
Play Attenchon - La Ilusion Que Llevas (2007):
Play Attenchon - 3-2-1-Skatepunk-Songs (2009):
Play Attenchon - Coalition Songs (2009):
Play Attenchon - The Only Problem With Wishful Thinking (Belvedere Tribute):

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Antillectual Warm Winter Tour

Today, dutch Antillectual sent out a newsletter, about their new bass player Tom (read also this article, i posted a few weeks ago, about Yvo leaving the band), about their (warm) winter tour through south-west europe and their tour togehter with High Five Drive (yeah, they will come to europe in april!).

They add also, that there will be a new Antillectual album out in 2010!

Last Saturday we played our last show ever with Yvo on bass. A crazy sold out show was a nice way to close this chapter. In Tom we found an amazing replacement presenting us a very glourious future ahead. Our first step is a tour that will hopefully get us somewhere warmer.

Warm Winter Tour

Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal seemed to be the best destinations when touring in January and February. If you live in the area, please drop by and say hi!

Jan 29 BEL Herselt, De Choke. w/ Second Base, more
Jan 30 FR Fumel, Pavillon108. w/ OpeNightmare, Ivan Rebroff’s Armpits
Jan 31 FR Toulouse, Les Pavillons Sauvages. w/ Ivan Rebroff’s Armpits (release show), Messieurs de Fursac
Feb 1 ES Torelló / Barcelona, l’Eclèctic
Feb 2 ES Zaragoza, Sala Ultimátum
Feb 3 ES Madrid, Sala Barracudas
Feb 4 Available
Feb 5 Available
Feb 6 POR Lisbon, Casa de Lafoes Afternoon show. w/ This Routine Is Hell, Albert Fish, Barafunda Total
Feb 6 POR Mouriscas, GDR Os Esparteiros. w/ Defying Control, The Wild Ones, Shake Shake and SMYP
Feb 7 POR Porto, Bar Altar Afternoon show
Feb 8 Available
Feb 9 ES Oviedo, La Antigua Estacion. w/ Threewordname, Mr. Lafleur
Feb 10 ES Pasaia (San Sebastian), Sala Mogambo. w/ Alaska Pipeline, Curasan
Feb 11 FR Bayonne, Bar Kixkil Ostatua
Feb 12 FR La Rochelle, La Barbarella
Feb 13 FR Brest, Espace Léo Ferré. w/ Speedball, Jeune Seigneur, Last Exit To Brooklynn
Feb 14 FR Lille, La Chimère

As you can see, we are still looking for shows on February 4, 5 and 8 in Spain or Portugal. Let us know if you can help us out.

Dutch Export

Since we are known to tour a lot Buma Cultuur (the Dutch authors- and copyrights organization) mentioned us in their press bulletin announcing that the export of Dutch pop music was raised by 15% in 2008. Read the Dutch version and the English version.

Recording a New Album

A week after we get back from tour we will be entering the studio. It has been almost 2 years since we released our last full length album “Testimony”. We will record 12 new songs with Nico van Montfort at the Erock studio in Panningen. On the upcoming tour and shows we will play a lot of these songs to get them into shape. A release will follow later this year.

Tour with High Five Drive

We never promised to slow down. After we finish recording, mixing and mastering we will embark on another tour. Together with High Five Drive from Canada we will be playing shows in France, the UK and Belgium between April 25 and May 1. Routing to be announced soon. Get in touch if you feel like helping us out.

Other shows:

Feb 17 NL Utrecht, ACU. w/ Nothington, Bivouac
Feb 19 BEL Wachtebeke, VZW MaNo. w/ Bound In Blood, Rumble Fist, The Dancing Morons
Feb 20 NL Krommenie, De Groote Weiver. w/ Sweet Empire, Union Town
Feb 27 NL Nijmegen Waalhalla. w/ Static Thought
Mar 6 NL Hoogeveen Het Podium. w/ Nuestros Derechos, Nuclear Driven Animals

If you feel like the recession is over and your liquidity is increasing (what?!), please consider visiting our webshop to fund our upcoming recordings. In the next issue of your favorite newsletter you will find some news about our new release, and more new touring plans. We hope.

Thanks, you made it, friends ‘til the end!
Antillectual: Riekus, Tom and Willem

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Skate-O-Phobia Update


i'll post all new updates from now onwards in a new font, that you can better keep track of the Skate-O-Phobia blog.
It was always hard to format - especially longer - textes correctly, and yet still looked like shit all the times.

Enjoy the blog, keep on listening! :-)

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Diverzija - Bloodied But Unbowed (2008)

Diverzija (Osijek, Croatia) was formed in 2002 by Andrej (vocals, guitar), Elke (bass), Remba (guitar, back vocals) and Domba (drums). I don't know exactly to what the name refers to, but it is something like sabotage (saboteur) and subversion, or a counter-revolutionary (if it comes from the russian word "diverzija").

Soon afterwards, they released their first DIY demo called "Demo1", and played their first shows in croatia.

In September
2005 they went in the studio to release their first full-length named "Days of our lives", which was recorded and produced by Filip Serti in the "Depth"-studio in Požega.

Diverzija's latest record "Bloodied but Unbowed" was released in December 2008, and also recorded and produced in the "Depth"-studio in Požega. This album really kicks-ass! If you enjoy listening to melodic-hardcore/punkrock bands like Astpai, Propagandhi, After the Fall, Rentokill, Hit The Switch, or Strike Anywhere, you will love Bloodied But Unbowed, with its direct, raw and social lyrics.

Add them @ MySpace:

Buy their albums:
You can buy their records at their live shows, or in the "Dirty Old Shop" (Tratinska 33) in Zagreb.

If you don't live in croatia, you can also send them an e-mail to: diverzija[at]
If this e-mail doesn't work, please also try the following address: evil.noise.rec[at]

Diverzija - Bloodied But Unbowed (2008):

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Doping - Wrong Perfection + Self Titled

Here is Doping, a melodic-hardcore - hardcore-punk band from Uschhorod (Ukraine).
Semen (drums), Vova (bass), and Andrew (vocal/guitar) formed the band in 2005 and played shortly after also their first shows in west-ukraine.
Their music is an excellent fast melodic-hardcore sound, with social, personal and everyday-life lyrics.

In October 2007 they recorded their first - selftitled - album which includes 15 awesome fast tracks in less than 30 minutes!

In May 2009 they released their latest album (12 tracks) called "Wrong Perfection". After a great tour through the ukraine and europe, they are planing again a new europe-tour in 2010.
Stay tuned for more updates regarding this concert dates!

Doping have already shared stage with famous skate-punk/melodic-hardcore bands like Straightaway, Maypole, P.O. Box, 10-20, Jet Market, Bedtime For Charlie, Low Value, Hell FM, and Total Konfus.

Their song "All The Same" is also on the new Perfect Fast Variation DIY Compilation.

Buy Merch articles (look at the image on the right) at their shows or via their MySpace!

Add them @ MySpace

Doping - Wrong Perfection (2009):
Doping - Doping (2007):

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Hit The Switch Europatour!

Hit The Switch machen heuer ihre erste Euro-Tour, und schauen dabei auch in Österreich vorbei! Für Fans des schnellen Skatepunks/Melodic-Hardcores sind die Kalifornier (sind übrigens seit 2006 bei Nitro-Records) ein Muss!

Am 21. Feber spielen Hit The Switch gemeinsam mit der kroatischen Hardcorepunk Band Diverzija und den Locals von Jane Doe im Bandhaus in WienerNeustadt!

21. Feber 2010
Bandhouse, Bräunlichgasse 24
2700 Wiener Neustadt,0,10884250483832236906&ei=aLZeS4LqBMz2-Ab16YUS&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAgQnwIwAA

Hit The Switch:
Jane Doe:

Merchandise - T-Shirts:

Hit The Switch - Demos (2007):
Hit The Switch - Domestic Tranquility And Social Justice (2005):

More Euro-Dates:
February 23th: Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
February 24th: Zagreb (Croatia)
February 27th: Ljubljana (Slovenia)
--> Drunk In Public Revival! together on stage with: Leaf-fat, Golliwog, Fat Prezident, Diverzija, and Not Looking Pretty

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Low Value - Recharge (2010)

After "The Language of stolen Music", which was released in 2005 (produced and mixed by Rok Podbevsek, Studio Metelkowa, mastering by Janez Krizaj, Studio Metro; DIY), slovenian skatepunk band Low Value now have announced that their second full-lenght "Recharge" will be out on February 6, 2010. (DIY, order it at

If you live in slovenia or japan, you already can order the CD at High Speed Flower Records (japan) or via Matej's e-mail: matej.kosmacin[at] (slovenia only).

Read also Marc Ryan's review of "Recharge" on his MySpace-Blog:

Tracklist-Update here:

Low Value started playing together in 2000 in Maribor, Slovenia.
After some member changes, the current band's line-up is: Jernej Bervar (guitar, vocals), Matej Kosmacin (vocals, bass), Tomaz Medvar (drums, vocals) and Jerney Metez (guitar).

There is also a date fixed for the CD-Release-Party in Maribor:
20. Feb. 2010 // 20:00 // Gustaf Pekema
And on April 22th they will play a show together with This Is A Standoff in Ljubljana/Laibach, Slovenia!

Add them @ MySpace:
Stay tuned for more informations and the discograhpy!

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Thousand Needles - Demo (2009)

Thousand Needles is a fast skatepunk/melodic punk/pop punk band from the indonesian scene in Jakarta. They were formed in march 2006 by Ipoel (bass, vocals), Hafiedz (guitar, vocals), Mpazz (guitar) and Gevi (drums).

1. Intro
2. My first song
3. Inspirasiku
4. Lupakan kendali
5. Ikuti aku
6. Lari teruss
7. Falls apart

You maybe have known the song "My first song" before from the "The Full Punkishment" compilation.

Add them at MySpace:

Download and listen to the Demo, and to other indonesian skatepunk bands! There comes up a really big and fantastic scene!

Download Thousand Needles - Demo (2009):
You can also write Mpazz an e-mail regarding to concerts or merch: mpazzhole [at]

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Such Gold - Merchandise / T-Shirts Update

Melodic-hardcore/pop-punk band Such Gold (Rochester, New York) has created their own online merchandise store for all fans, who were not able to go to concerts (especially for people outside the United States) or just had not enough money to buy t-shirts at a show.

Buy T-Shirts:
You can also buy their latest 7" at MightierThanSword-Records:
Add them at MySpace:

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One Eyed Jack - Mayday! (2009)

One Eyed Jack was formed in 2008 by Mone (vocals, guitar), Mr. Aduer (bass), Piccio (drums, ex- Work in Progress) and Betty (guitar, vocals, ex- Again Against) as they decided to create a new skatepunk, melodic-hardcore, skatecore sound.

They come from the region of Emilia-Romagna (Italy), so if you also live there, and if you enjoy listening to bands like PMX, X-State Ride or Rebuke, please come to their next show in Ravenna, where they are together on stage with the local band Set The Run Back on the 6th of february at the Jam Station Club.

1. Failing
2. Kick in the Face
3. Last Chance
4. From Bottom

Add them at MySpace (with tons of concert photos):
Download Mayday! EP (2009):

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Pierre's Goodbye Festival

Am 29. Jänner findet Pierre's Goodbye Festival im Kulturkeller Gleisdorf (Stmk.) statt! Mitdabei ist ein fettes Line Up hervorragender österreichischer Punkrock/Hardcore Bands!

Defcon (Gleisdorf)
Law Found Guilt (Li
Outsmarted (Li
Ska Bucks (Lin
Naked Noise (Kirchbach)

Unbedingt vorbeischauen, falls gerade jemand in der Nähe ist ;-) Karten können u.a. gleich direkt bei Defcon vorbestellt werden!

Kulturkeller Gleisdorf
29. Jänner 2010
Start: 20 Uhr
Eintritt: 7.- €
Vegan Food!

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A I D - Live to Tell (2008)

Spanish melodic-hardcore A.i.D was formed in 2005 in Barcelona "as a result of their member's desire to embark on a new project with a more aggressive sound than that of their former bands".

Live To Tell was recorded in June 2007 at the Wheel Sound Studio and mastered by Alan Douches, who has also mastered albums in the past, for famous bands like Thrice, Sick Of It All, and Against Me!.

A.I.D. have already played together with bands like This is a Standoff and Actionmen. The current bandmembers are:
Arnau Guitar, Vocals
Carlos - Bass, Vocals
Joan - Drums
René - Guitar, Vocals
Omar - Vocals

Maybe you also know René's other projects: Los Tronchos and Beside Yourself.

1. Grotesque landscapes
2. Magnificence of prosperity and bloodbaths
3. Scale the cliffs ( to fall into abyss )
4. The consequence of your greed
5. Penitent
6. interlude
7. What night means
8. Terror starts at home
9. Oblivion embiggens the weak
10. There is merit in surviving
11. The judge, the lender
12. Wasted air

Add them on MySpace:
Buy Live to Tell and other records:
Buy merchandise at shows:
Download Live to Tell (2008):

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A i D - Record Sessions

Spanish hardcore-punk band A I D have finished recording work for their new album, called "Beyond Belief", which will be released in 2010.

There is no exact release-date, but they have said, that the new album contains 14 songs, which are faster, more powerful, and with much more emotions than the old ones.

They uploaded three high-quality videos for you from the studio-work:


Guitar & Bass:


Check their MySpace:

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Muckhole - Where's The Corndogs? EP + Kooza + Fresh Muck

Here is an amazing, absolutely great band from the scene in New Zealand.
Sean O'Brien (vocals), Jason Ennor (drums), Aaron Peck (bass) and Scott Patterson (guitar) formed Muckhole in the 90s surfing skatepunk scene and released 3 albums until 2000.

They have already played together with punkrock-legends like Pennywise, Green Day or The Offspring. Sean also claimes that they were really influenced by Pennywise, as they played their shows in NZ.
"We liked the wavelength they were on, just turning up in New Zealand, do a couple of shows, go surfing, drink beer and get stoned. They were genuinely interested in us. Out of all the bands we’ve supported they’re the only ones that were an influence on us. They were semi-idols, I suppose. We respected them musically."
You can also here this in their songs. Especially the last album "Fresh Muck" is simply awesome and some of their songs reminds me totally of Pennywise!

Muckhole - Fresh Muck (2000):
Muckhole - Kooza (1997):
Muckhole - Where's The Corndogs EP (1996):

Fresh Muck Track-Listing:


Broken Record


Kick Back


Burning Crosses











Kooza Track-Listing:


Throw Away


Cool Guy


Popped Out Punk


No Cure






New Sonic


Finger 3


Domino Theory


Not Like You


Breaking Things


Fire Fight






The Answer

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Interview with In-Sane

Hey guys from Slovenia,
today you can listen to an interview with Máteja, bandmember (bass and vocals) of slovenian punkrock band In-Sane on radio. He appears on the radio over radio station Val 202 at 22:30 (local-time).
Maybe somebody can record the interview ;-)

List of the Val202 frequencies:
Support them:
Buy their latest record "Trust These Hands… Are Worthless.":
Download the Album:

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New "Main Line 10" Store

Spanish melodic hardcore punkers Main Line 10 (Bells On Records) have published their new online store on Bigcartel.

Buy their new T-Shirt (with the monkey-logo) here:
Add them on MySpace:

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After The Fall - Collar City EP + Release Party

Albany, NY's After The Fall has now officially released their new EP called Collar City.

The 7'' is released via Mightier Than Sword Records and was produced by New York hardcore-producer Don Fury.

On Saturday the 16th of January is a big record release party in Albany, New York. They play together with Legit! Agent, Hostage Calm and My Heart to Joy.

16.01.2010 19:00 @ Valentines
17 new scotland avenue, Albany, New York

Order their new 7''/EP:
After The Fall @ MySpace:

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Standing Still - Draw Your Line (2007) vs. Mind Your Head

After four years of making great fast music, some changes in the band's line-up, and a great Spain-Tour together with Straightaway, italian skatepunkers Standing Still decided to split in July 2008.

Their album Draw Your Line was one of the best (and fastest) melodic-hardcore/skate-punk albums in 2007. Maybe you also know their song "Cock Block" from the IndieBox Compilation.
Hence, you should keep their name and their sound in mind, and you should not forget them. So, at the end of this posting is a nice download link for you ... ;-)

In the meanwhile, the two guitarists Bonjo and Tiello (also background vocals) made a new band called Mind Your Head. They did not do skatepunk anylonger. It is more like a new hardcore sound; reminds me of a local band here called Outsmarted. Watch the following new video from the song: "The Last Day (Revenge)".

Mind your Head @ MySpace:
Standing Still @ MySpace:
Download: Standing Still - Draw Your Line (2007):

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New Latin For Truth Song Up!

Latin For Truth have uploaded a new song called "Mexicaine de Peforation" on their MySpace-Site.

This song is taken from the new "Diatribe or Die" (digital-) EP, which will be released in three weeks and only distributed online through most major digital stores.

Add them on Myspace:
Buy Merch here:
and buy more Merch here:
A Brand New Formula EP:
Kill The Scene EP:
Kids Fight Over Solos (Demos: 2005 to 2007):
We Are Sick of Not Having The Courage To Be Absolute Nobodies:

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AWS - Me vs. Morrissey in the Pretentiousness Contest (The Ladder Match) + Skid Rock

In the following video you can see A Wilhelm Scream performing "Me vs. Morrissey in the Pretentiousness Contest (The Ladder Match)" from the Ruiner-Album and "Skid Rock" from the new EP in a basement for the canadian TV-program "Talk Show Night at Juicebox Manor".

Check their MySpace:
Buy their Merch:
Download their new EP:

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Burning Season Records Summer Festival

For the third time, austrias biggest hardcore/metalcore/mosh festival, the Burning Season Records Summer Festival takes place in 2010, at the same location as it was already in 2006.

17 + 18 july 2010 @ Festhalle Unterrohr
Rohr bei Hartberg /Styria, Austria (same location as 2006)

More infos will be updated soon on the festival-homepage:

Only to austrian bands:
Noch einige Tage lang könnt ihr an folgende E-Mail-Adresse eine Nachricht (mit dem Betreff: "Austrian Band Voting") senden, um Einen von zwei Startplätzen für das Festival ergattern zu können! Demnächst wird es diesbezüglich für alle teilnehmenden Bands ein Voting geben, bei dem ihr eure Fans mobilisieren könnt! info[ät]

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State of Mine - Geargrinder EP + Split with The Octopussys

State of Mine is an intensive fast melodic-punk/skate-punk band from Louvain/Leuven and Mol in Belgium.

Listening to their music reminds me on Belvedere and Satanic Surfers, or more specifically to the classical fast swedish skatepunk sound.

So, you guys should listen to their first EP called "Geargrinder" (2008) and to their split together with The Octopussys (2009), and keep their name in mind. They have already played together with famous punk-rock/skate-punk/melodic-hardcore bands like High Five Drive, Rentokill, Mute, Jet Market, Pendleton and Smoke or Fire!

1. How to survive emocore
2. Oldskool surfing hero
3. WMD (Weapons of mass deception)
4. Mastermind

1. Opening sequence
2. Conspiracy Earth
3. Burnout
4. How to survive emocore
5. Last chance to dance
6-10. The Octopussy's

They are now working on a new Full Lenght! In spring they record 12 brand-new songs, and will release it until July 23th, when they start their tour with playing concerts outside of Belgium for the first time.

Add them on MySpace:
Buy the Split here:
Download Split:
Geargrinder Lyrics:
Download Geargrinder EP:

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R.I.P. Heidenspass Festival

Aus dem aktuellen Chilibox-Newsletter:

**RIP Heidenspass ? Loft**

Heidenspass ist nicht mehr und wird am kommenden Samstag zu Grabe getragen ? hier alle off. Infos dazu:

?Nach 6 jahren ist es nun soweit, wir haben beschlossen die heidenspass festival serie sowie grill'n'roll & frozen amps zu beenden. aus einer betrunkenen idee entstanden, waren es 6 jahre in denen wir viel spaß hatten, mit großartigen leuten zusammenarbeiten konnten, interessante leute kennenlernen durften, sehr sehr viel gelernt haben, und hoffentlich einigen leuten ein paar feine tage & erinnerungen beschert haben! wir haben wirklich lange um eine entscheidung gerungen und denken das das jetzt die richtige ist. wir werden uns mal vorerst anderen, alten und neuen projekten widmen, wer weiß viell. auch früher oder später wieder die eine oder andere veranstaltung machen, aber jetzt mal nach dem motto "aufhören wenns am schönsten ist" die serie der events beenden.

wir möchten uns natürlich bei allen leuten bedanken die bei den events dabei waren und vorallem bei all jenen die das festival 6 jahre lang durch mitarbeit im vorfeld/vor ort, durch ideen und sonstigen input oder einfach nur freundliche worte ermöglicht und unterstützt haben, you know who you are!

ein großes danke natürlich auch an alle (~75) bands & dj's die uns seit 2004 beehrt haben!

und damits nicht ganz so plötzlich aus und vorbei ist, gibts noch eine kleine "abschiedsfeier" und zwar am 09.01.2010 @ the loft! Das Chilibox DJ Team wird uns wie gewohnt mit Musik aller Punk, Hardcore, Ska & Rock´n´Roll versorgen ;)

also liebe leute, schön wars/wirds
mike & flö für das gesamte team?
Heidenspass Festival Abschiedsfeier
@ The Loft
09.01.2010 22 Uhr - 04 Uhr
Eintritt: 5€

Website vom Heidenspass-Festival:
Eventinfo zur Abschiedsfeier:

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Hell FM - Shit Outta Luck EP (2009)

Check out this fantastic album "Shit Outta Luck", which was released via Carpathian Records.

Hell-FM is a good talented hardcore-punk/melodic-hardcore band from Kiew/Ukraine.

01-words like bullets
02-you help to breathe
03-burn out
04-timetosay good bye

Lyrics are also included to the download file!

Add them on MySpace:
Download the new EP:

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Wasted Scars is Dead

After 3 years and more than 60 shows, austrian hardcore/punk band Wasted Scars decided to break and bring their work to an end.

On january 31st they will play a farewell show at the "Bandhouse" in Wiener Neustadt together with the dutch band Don't Mention The War.

You can order now their album
"Ruins It All" and merch for special prices.

Order here: wastedscars[at]

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Can't Bear This Party - Modern Factory EP (2009)

Can't Bear This Party is a french melodic pop-punk/poppy-hardcore/easycore band from Nice/Nizza. Some of them are known guys from other bands, for example Rémi is also a member of Freygolo.

The new full-lenght album "Ain't no Princess" is now mastering in the studios, but in the meanwhile you can listen to their first EP called "Modern Factory" and watch the new - very intensive and great - preview for "Ain't no Princess".

Tracklist for the new album:
01 - What would you expect from guys like us - intro
02 - So Quarrelsome
03 - It's u between T&V
04 - Ain't no princess down here
05 - City's so sad
06 -Yoko Dances Tonight
07 -Talk to the Phone Tone
08 -The War
09 -Sinking Ship
10 -From here to a better place
11 -Song of Sirens

Tracklist for the Modern Factory EP:
01 -Loading...[89%]
02 -Endless Days
03 -Hospital
04 -Modern Factory
05 -Gift To The Next

Check their MySpace:
Download Modern Factory EP:

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Smash The Statues - Final Show

Smash The Statues has broken in October 2009 (more informations and statements are on their MySpace) and are currenlty playing their final shows in the Netherlands.

As they announced some days ago, the last chance for you to see them live on a concert is on January 23th in Nijmegen (next to the german border), together with "Antillectual", slovenian "In-Sane" and the swedish band "The Acoustic Alarm".

It is also the last show for Antillectual's bassplayer Yvo. I have already posted this some weeks ago:

23.01.2010 20:00
De Onderbroek,
Tweede Walstraat 21; Nijmegen


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